Rough Terrain
February 13th through July 3rd, 2021.
ROUGH TERRAIN was the inaugural exhibition of Sculpture Tucson’s new sculpture park. Twenty large-scale works were sited on two acres of the grounds surrounding our headquarters.
All sculptures that were on display are available for sale by the artist. Please contact sculpturetucson@gmail.com for artist information. Many of the Rough Terrain exhibit artists participate in Sculpture Tucson’s Sculpture on the Street program, which partners with Tucson businesses to place large-scale art along major traffic corridors and in outdoor public venues.
Artists included in Rough Terrain are:
Julia Arriola
Barbara Jo Borch
Fred Borcherdt
Curt Brill
Kevin Caron
Greg Corman
Steven Derks
Peter Eisner
Joy Fox
Elizabeth Frank
Pat Frederick
Al Glann
Alex Heveri
Jonquil LeMaster
Rotraut Moquay
John Nelson
Art Neptune
Hector Ortega
Willie Ray Parish
Adrian Wall
Joan Waters